Hello all! Being in RevGals has been a lot of fun this week. One of the things they do each week is ask 5 questions each Friday for everyone to answer on their blogs. It sounds like fun, but I have to say I am looking forward to reading other blogger’s answers even more. So, her is my first Friday 5!

Sally of RevGals writes:

With Jo, Jon and Chris all moving to college and University accommodation there has been a big clear up going on in the Coleman household. We have been sorting and trying hard not just to junk stuff, but actually to get it to where it can be useful. On a brighter note we have used Freecycle ( check it out) to provide the twins with pots and pans etc that other folk were clearing out.

Making the most of our resources is important, I have been challenged this week by the amount of stuff we accumulate, I’d love to live a simpler lifestyle, it would be good for me, and for the environment I think…

With that in mind I bring you this Friday 5;

1. Are you a hoarder or a minimalist?

I am a recovering hoarder. My BIL and SIL, Tory and Annie, once gave us The New Messies Manual. It was a very good and helpful read. I suggest it to other hoarders. They gave it to us after it helped them. I have 2 pre-schoolers, aged 3 and 4, so my house is still cluttered. I also still hoard art and craft supplies.

2. Name one important object ( could be an heirloom) that you will never part with.

Only one? I don’t know if I can only name one! Hmm…I guess I have this quilt that my great-grandma and grandma made. I never met my grandma due to cancer, so it’s important to me. Like I said, I can’t stop now! I have also vowed to never part with my wedding dress until my daughter, Princess wants it. My mom, in trying not to hoard, sold my grandma and her wedding dresses at a garage sale when I was young. That has always made me sad.

3. What is the oldest item in your closet? Does it still fit???

I guess the oldest thing in my closet would be some dresses and coats I bought this summer at garage and estate sales. I have worn some of them, but not all. As far as old clothes that I wore in years past, probably only 6 years old. I have a purple velvet jumper dress that I do still wear sometimes. I lost 65 pounds about a year and a half ago, so I’ve gone through my clothes a lot recently.

4.Yard sales- love ’em or hate ’em ?

Hehe! I guess I answered that already! I do! I especially love estate sales. I also love driving the hour to Midland, MI to the thrift stores. Midland is a really rich, snobby town, but they give away great, hardly worn clothes! There is one thrift store that has 40% off on Wednesdays if you bring in your church bulletin! Those are great places to shop!

5. Name a recycling habit you really want to get into.

Well, I always thought that I should recycle newspapers and magazines and such, but I’ve never actually put effort into it. So, I guess I want to do that, but only if it’s easy…

And for a bonus- well anything you want to add….

Well, it’s worth throwing stuff away. I have learned that. Not everything should be kept. Not even everything that has sentimental value should be kept. Keep the most important things and get rid of the rest-you really will be happier!

I hope you enjoyed my Friday 5! Come back soon! 🙂