I’ve been tagged again which is probably a good thing since it’s been a while since I have posted. First, though, some news. We got our economic stimulus check in the mail last week! Yippee! I got to buy an external hard drive so that I can back-up all my precious pictures and scrap stuff! It was fun splurging on fun stuff for a week. Another bit of news is that I have added another blog. If you click scrap layouts at the top of this page, you will go to a page with a link to the new blog on it. It showcases (or at least will) my most beautiful layouts. Check it out!

Now for the meme:

I was tagged by Monkey Memories!

Four jobs I’ve had:
1. pastor
2. assistant manager at a pizza place
3. secretary
4. shift manager at Office Depot

Four movies I could watch over and over:

I really don’t like to watch movies over and over, but the ones that I can stand to watch like once a year are:
1. Princess Bride
2. The Matrix Trilogy
3. Dances with Wolves (although it’s been a LONG time since I’ve watched it, I just LOVED that movie. I wonder if I still do?)
4. Lord of the Rings

Four places I have lived:
1. Scottsdale, AZ (haha this one stays the same as MM’s answer!)
2. Marion, Michigan
3. Minneapolis, Minnesota
4. Tulsa, Oklahoma

Four TV shows I like:
1. Alias (My absolute favorite!)
2. Lost (yes, I’m a Lostie and proud of it!)
3. CSI
4. The Pretender (anyone else remember that show? It was awesome!)

Four Favorite Foods:
1. Chocolate cake with triple chocolate chip fudge frosting (YUM!)
2. Tuna Casserole (my favorite comfort food)
3. Coldstone Ice Cream (the best combo in the world: 1/4 mint, 3/4 Chocolate with brownie chunks, marshmallow cream and fudge sauce. YUMMY!)
4. Lemonade (good lemonade not like out of the pop machine. I mean fresh squeezed goodness.)

Four Places I Would Rather Be:
1. Paris, France
2. Anywhere in Europe
3. The Philippines
4. Minneapolis, Minnesota

People I’m Tagging:
YOU! If you want to be tagged, BE YE TAGGED! lol!