I have been tagged in another meme. So, here it goes. Having just done this, my 7 things may be very boring. We’ll see!

Here are the rules:

  • Link to the person that tagged you, and post the rules on your blog.
  • Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself.
  • Tag 7 random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs.
  • Let each person know that they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

I was tagged by Princess Darla at Overcomer.

  1. When I lived in Marion, Michigan in kindergarten through 4th grade, I remember being really popular. I’m pretty sure I remember right. I was never popular after that, tho.
  2. Button NecklaceI like to make these really awesome button necklaces and everyone really likes them. But I don’t make very many because I don’t have a good space to work at and 3 and 4 year old have grabby hands!
  3. I just drank my first Mt. Dew in 2 years a few days ago. Bad, Elaine, bad!
  4. I have a small collection of cattle. I have a bull from Spain and a Sabu from the Philippines.
  5. I have never dared to dye my hair. I’m afraid the dye would change my strawberry blonde permanently. And I love my hair color.
  6. My favorite cereal is Special K. Seriously, who knew it would taste so good? It’s especially good with a cut-up banana on the top, no sugar needed.
  7. My favorite color is brown. It used to be light blue, but I think it’s brown now.

That was hard after the other 10 last week! So, now I have a chance to tag 7 more people.

  1. My hubby
  2. Travis
  3. Nicole
  4. Diane
  5. Kimberly
  6. MaryBeth
  7. Shar

I have been tagged by More Cows to list ten random things about myself. Then I get to tag 5 others. Let’s see if I can come up with ten random, interesting new things…

  1. Growing up, everyone told me I looked like Molly Ringwald, especially after I got my hair permed when I was in like third grade. Whatever happened to her?
  2. I can wash nearly all the dishes in our kitchen in like an hour and half when I have to. That’s a little embarrassing…
  3. I refuse to put away dishes and vacuum. Those are two jobs the hubby has to do. Putting away dishes is like making your bed. What’s the point? You’re just going to get them out again. It just seems counter-productive to me. I know that’s terrible.
  4. My going-to-bed ritual must involve reading. I used to only read juvenile literature, but lately I usually read blogs.
  5. I really don’t like to preach. I hope someday I will be able to say I do.
  6. I applied for waitressing jobs many times during college and never got hired. I still can’t figure that one out.
  7. I have a B.A. in Christian Studies. It’s like two half degrees made into one. It’s pretty useless for anything other than what I’m doing. I did church planting and graphic design. What kind of job can you get with half a design degree? I’ll tell you…NONE! 😦
  8. Since moving to our current residence, we have been given (absolutely free) 4 vehicles! God is so amazing!
  9. Growing up my favorite candy was always Sweet Tarts. I was never big into chocolate. Since bearing children I want all the chocolate in the world…NOW! Forget the Sweet Tarts!
  10. I have never lived anywhere for more than four years…until now!!! [This is where I do the happy dance!]

So, there you have it! So, I guess I will tag Doodaddy, Tam, Tara, Ilona and AnneMarie. I actually wish I could tag more people! Those were hard choices!