Hi all!

I was tagged by Tara Sloan of Destiny Driven and I decided to do the meme because I’ve learned some stuff about myself recently that I can tell you! So, here it goes…

1. I was thinking about doing my masters, but I’m not going to because I don’t think the timing is right.

2. Many of the things I do, I do to fill a need. That means that if there is no need, I don’t do it even if it would be fun and beneficial. How dumb is that?

3. I have a Christian life coach and I LOVE her! I highly suggest that everyone think about getting a coach to challenge you to move forward in your life.

4. I’m a Lostie. It’s true.

5. Eating sugar makes me cranky. Weird, huh? And I love sugar!

6. I am more open to finding a new hobby than finishing projects I have already started in hobbies I already have!

7. We have been given about 15 boxes worth of books in the past 2 months. Some close friends are moving and my mom is moving from her trailer to only one room. That means I have books coming out of my ears! But I can’t wait to read them. They range from fiction to non-fiction to reference to Bibles.

There you have it! Now I will tag:

Mary Beth Bradshaw
Ilona Hadinger
AnneMarie Hauger
Diane Roth

I think I’m supposed to tag seven, so if you want in, please feel free!

Well, the hubby came home on time and in time. I was coming down with a cold and I hung on till he got home, but then I kinda crashed. I’ve been sick all week. I feel draggy and groggy. That is why I haven’t been blogging. I didn’t feel like doing anything social at all. I’m on the mending end of things now, but still am rather out of it.

Chris and I have been playing a lot of games lately. On Facebook, we each play a game to see who gets the higher score. The MindJolt Facebook app keeps track for us. I’ve been trying to beat Chris’ score in a game called Numbers Reaction, but I’m really not so great at it. Tonight as I was playing, though, I realized that the game reminded me of being a Christian. It makes me feel like the missionary that each of us should be. We are trying to infect those around us with the gospel. So, now, I am more determined to do well on the game! I hear myself saying in my head, “You will be saved, bubbles!”

Each level of the game you have to try to pop more of the bubbles by choosing one bubble to start the process. I was hoping to be able to put the game in this post, but I didn’t find a site that offered that as an option, so you will have to be satisfied with a link. This is a link to the game on a free game site. I also added a Facebook link. I have no idea if it will actually work for you or not. Enjoy!

Numbers Reaction

Numbers Reaction on Facebook